Category Archives: News

10 Years of Open Mic!

Well this page hasn’t been updated in a while! Here we are, without a break or respite at the 10 year mark. Tonight, February 18th sees the 10 year anniversary occur. For a look back on what has occurred over the past ten years here is a list of all the podcasts and radio shows we used to produce. What with one thing and another the recordings fell by the way side but the open mic has continued year after year.

As ever, sign up at 8pm for a couple of songs starting at 8.30.

European Podcast Award 2012 Nominee – Vote Now!

The Glastonbury Open Mic podcast – also known as The Shadow Sessions as broadcast on Glastonbury FM – has been nominated for the European Podcast of the Year 2012 awards.  Pretty cool, right?  So, if you have a soft spot for the podcast please do vote for us.  Also, tell your friends, get them to listen and then they can vote fr us.  (if they haven’t got time to listen, ask them to vote on your recommendation.  They can trust you right?)

Vote by clicking on the link below: