Tag Archives: free music podcast

Glastonnbury Open Mic Podcast – Shadow Sessions Episode 23

And here’s another one from the team that brought you episodes one to 22.  Another Shadow Sessions for your ears featuring the delectable sounds of:

B E Couling, Minor Works Unit, Aly 12, Steve Henderson, Sharon Honeywell, Lee Rahn and Oliver Draper and a cast of thousands from the Blues Jam at the Rifleman’s Arms.

You can listen live to the show every wednesday at 9pm by going to www.glastonburyfm.co.uk.

Subscribe to the podcast via iTunes and stay abreast of the open mic news and revelations on the facebook page.

Listen to the podcast by pressing the little play button: 

Alternatively you can download by clicking on this link (right click – Save as): https://glastonburyopenmic.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/shadow_sessions_23.mp3

Glastonbury Open Mic Podcast – Shadow Sessions 22 Duncan Batey EP launch Special

From time to time we record and produce a show based on an event. In the past we have done specials on Priddy Folk Festival, The Glastonbury Fringe and now for your listening pleasure is the Duncan Batey Ep Launch show.  Featuring Bob Gallie, Franklin and James and of course Duncan Batey this show takes us back to February 15th where the three acts played to a packed Hawthorns and we were lucky enough to capture it all.

To listen to the podcast us the play control: 

To download right click and save as on this link.

Remember you can always subscribe to the Open Mic podcast in iTunes. Stay up to date with open mic goings on at facebook by liking the facebook page: www.facebook.com/glastonburyopenmic

Priddy Folk Festival Open Mic Special – Part 1

Last “Summer” we took the team down to the Priddy Folk Festival and set up the recording gear to record the open mic sessions in the amazing Club Tent. In this episode of the podcast you will hear performances from the Friday night at Priddy and also the torrential rain that battered the tent most of the night.

The recording shows off the amazing talents of the many musicians who come to the festival not only to watch Folk Greats in the main tents but also to meet other musicians and do a bit of playing themselves.

You can find out more about the Priddy Folk Festival at www.priddyfolk.org and also on their facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/PriddyFolkFestival

Download the podcast here: Shadow Sessions 19

Part 2 will be available soon…

Glastonbury Open Mic Podcast – Shadow Sessions 18

Hey there listeners, open micers and ne’er do wells of a musical persuasion   Download below the 18th Episode of the Shadow Sessions radio show.

Featuring tremendous performances from the Hawthorns in Glastonbury this show continues to illustrate the amazing depth of talent on offer in the area.

Download here: Shadow Sessions 18

Join the Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/glastonburyopenmic

You can always subscribe to the podcasts for free at iTunes


Glastonbury Open Mic Podcast – Shadow Sessions 17

Here is another podcast from your favourite open mic in the whole wide world.  Featuring performances by Dan Nixon, Presuming Ed and a bunch of others.  I could tell you but that would ruin the surprise.

Remember you can subscribe to the podcast in iTunes and join the awesome and often hilarious discussion on Facebook at www.facebook.com/glastonburyopenmic

Download the podcast here: Shadow Sessions 17

Glastonbury Open Mic Podcast – The Best of 2012

Here it is, as voted by, well us, the best of 2012 from the Shadow Sessions.  Listen along to performances by Duncan Batey, Steve Henderson, Martin Sheills and many others.  All top notch, all live. Continue reading

Glastonbury Open Mic Podcast – Shadow Sessions 15

If you missed Shadow Sessions 15 here is your chance to relive the magic.  Some of the best performances and songs to date.  It’s almost been a year for the Shadow Sessions and the acts we are capturing at the open mic’s just keep getting better and better. See below for the link to the podcast. You can also subscribe  Continue reading

European Podcast Award 2012 Nominee – Vote Now!

The Glastonbury Open Mic podcast – also known as The Shadow Sessions as broadcast on Glastonbury FM – has been nominated for the European Podcast of the Year 2012 awards.  Pretty cool, right?  So, if you have a soft spot for the podcast please do vote for us.  Also, tell your friends, get them to listen and then they can vote fr us.  (if they haven’t got time to listen, ask them to vote on your recommendation.  They can trust you right?)

Vote by clicking on the link below:

Glastonbury Open Mic Podcast – Episode 6

Well it has been a long time coming but here it is: Episode 6 of the greatest media publishing series in history (pending with the good people at Guinness). The performances in this podcast are from May 3rd so if you were there your memory would have faded enough for it to sound new and if you weren’t there, well, why? See what you are missing out on? Continue reading

Glastonbury Open Mic Podcast – Episode 5

Hot on the heels of the internationally acclaimed episode 4 comes episode 5 of the podcast.  Recorded during a marathon session on the 26th of April this episode features the amazing talents of Bob Gallie, Jonathon Fryer and Rebecca Whitehead,   Continue reading