Tag Archives: hawthorns hotel

Shadow Sessions Episode 10

They’re coming along like buses!  Just when you don’t think another episode will ever arrive a whole slew of them are released from captivity all at once.  Let’s just hope the fragile ecosystem can handle it.

Why not join the facebook revolution at: www.facebook.com/glastonburyopenmic

Download the show here: Shadow Sessions Episode 10

Remember you can subscribe to the podcast on itunes or feedburner.

Shadow Sessions Episode 9

Well here is another podcast from the back catalogue.  Episode 9 which aired back in late spring.  Have a listen and let us know what you think.

Why not join the facebook revolution at: www.facebook.com/glastonburyopenmic

Download the show here: Shadow Sessions Episode 9

Remember you can subscribe to the podcast on itunes or feedburner.

Shadow Sessions Episode 8

The Shadow Sessions archive opens up to release – for the first time – the last four shows broadcast on Glastonbury FM before the station went into hiatus for the summer so it could move location.  Please download the show below and be sure to leave a comment on the site or go to Facebook and join in the fun at www.facebook.com/glastonburyopenmic.

More episodes to follow shortly and the new show will be available to listen to live at GlastonburyFM or on the FM band if you are in the Glastonbury area.  Swing your dial to 107.1FM to listen in at 8pm on Wednesday the 07/11/2012.

Glastonbury Open Mic continues it’s fine work at The Hawthorns Hotel in Northload street every Tuesday from 8pm. Come on down to have a play, listen or dance the night away.

Download the show here: Shadow Sessions 8

Shadow Sessions Episode 6

Download here a copy of the Glastonbury FM radio show “The Shadow Sessions”.  This is episode four which broadcast between the 12th and the 25th of April.

The Shadow Sessions features performances from The Glastonbury Open mic as well as other open mic nights and jam sessions in the area and is hosted by Brad Lister and Al Cosnett.  You can listen live to the show either on 107.1FM if you are in the Glastonbury Area or online at http://www.glastonburyfm.co.uk worldwide.

The show is broadcast at 8pm on Thursday’s, 3pm on Sunday’s and 10pm on Wednesday’s.

Download the episode here: Shadow Sessions 6 or subscribe to the Glastonbury open mic podcast on iTunes.

Shadow Sessions Episode 5

Download here a copy of the Glastonbury FM radio show “The Shadow Sessions”.  This is episode four which broadcast between the 29th of March and the 11th of April.

The Shadow Sessions features performances from The Glastonbury Open mic as well as other open mic nights and jam sessions in the area and is hosted by Brad Lister and Al Cosnett.  You can listen live to the show either on 107.1FM if you are in the Glastonbury Area or online at http://www.glastonburyfm.co.uk worldwide.

The show is broadcast at 8pm on Thursday’s, 3pm on Sunday’s and 10pm on Wednesday’s.

Download the episode here: shadow sessions 5 or subscribe to the Glastonbury open mic podcast on iTunes.

Shadow Sessions Episode 4

Download here a copy of the Glastonbury FM radio show “The Shadow Sessions”.  This is episode four which broadcast between the 15th and the 28th of March.

The Shadow Sessions features performances from The Glastonbury Open mic as well as other open mic nights and jam sessions in the area and is hosted by Brad Lister and Al Cosnett.  You can listen live to the show either on 107.1FM if you are in the Glastonbury Area or online at http://www.glastonburyfm.co.uk worldwide.

The show is broadcast at 8pm on Thursday’s, 3pm on Sunday’s and 10pm on Wednesday’s.

Download the episode here: Shadow Sessions Episode 4 or subscribe to the Glastonbury open mic podcast on iTunes.

Shadow Sessions Episode 3

Fresh this week you can download here a copy of the Glastonbury FM radio show “The Shadow Sessions”.  This is episode three which broadcast between the 1st and the 14th of March.

The Shadow Sessions features performances from The Glastonbury Open mic as well as other open mic nights and jam sessions in the area and is hosted by Brad Lister and Al Cosnett.  You can listen live to the show either on 107.1FM if you are in the Glastonbury Area or online at http://www.glastonburyfm.co.uk worldwide.

The show is broadcast at 8pm on Thursday’s, 3pm on Sunday’s and 10pm on Wednesday’s.

Download the episode here: Shadow Sessions Episode 3

Glastonbury Open Mic Night Podcast – Episode 7

Featuring performances from the 10th of May this Glastonbury Open Mic Night Podcast features Duncan Batey, Ali, Brad Lister,  Chris, Mudslideslim,The Dead Flowers and the amazing 32/20s.

Glastonbury Open Mic Night is hosted every Tuesday from 8pm at the Hawthorns Hotel in the cultural mecca that is Glastonbury, Somerset, UK.  You can even stay at Hawthorns by booking online here: http://www.hawthornshotel.com/. Continue reading

Glastonbury Open Mic Podcast – Episode 6

Well it has been a long time coming but here it is: Episode 6 of the greatest media publishing series in history (pending with the good people at Guinness). The performances in this podcast are from May 3rd so if you were there your memory would have faded enough for it to sound new and if you weren’t there, well, why? See what you are missing out on? Continue reading

Glastonbury Open Mic Podcast – Episode 3

Well it has taken a while but here is the third installment of our eventual Sony award winning podcast.  This episode featured Mudslideslim, Duncan Batey, Stephen Henderson, Willo, Mo Brown, Chris, Ali and Paul Mortimer.

This episode contains performances recorded on the 5th of April at the always welcoming Hawthorns Hotel.

So, tell your friends and acquaintances and even your work colleagues to download the Glastonbury Open Mic podcast.

So, share it out and if you like it or even if you don’t please leave a comment.

Download the podcast here:  Podcast

Please join the facebook group here: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=294058543345